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Special prize for EXCELLENCE RESEARCH AWARD for the work “Time-dependent boundary conditions with lead-sample Coulomb correlations: Application to classical and quantum nanoscale electron device simulators” Physical Review B, 2009; from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (PREI_2009) September 2010.


Special prize for EXCELLENCE RESEARCH AWARD for the work “Quantum-Trajectory approach to Time Dependent Transport in Mesoscopic Systems with Electron Electron Interactions” Physical Review Letters, 2007; from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (PREI_2008) July 2009.


Special prize for the INTENSIFICATION OF THE RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF YOUNG INVESTIGATORS I3 INT 2007 from "Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)" in the framework of the I3 Program July 2008.


Extraordinary Prize for the PhD in the Electronic Engineering Department with the thesis entitled “QUANTUM MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF TUNNELLING DEVICES USING WAVEPACKETS AND BOHM TRAJECTORIES” Given by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

2014-06-14 10:28