This is a website for public presentation of the electron transport software
Bohmian Interacting Transport in non-equiLibrium eLEctronic Structures (*)
BITLLES is a user-friendly and general-purpose software for the time-dependent simulation (DC, AC, noise) of electron transport in nanoelectronic devices, using semi-classical or quantum (Bohmian) trajectories. The software is developed by the Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Some useful infomration can be found in:
1.- For a review of Bohmian mechanics, see:
which is the first chapter of the book
2.- For an explantion of the importance of quantum transport see
and for the BITLLES simulator see the recent paper
See also the question Where are the electrons?.
Contact Information
Xavier Oriols
- Dept.Enginyeria Electrònica
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- 08193 Bellaterra. SPAIN
Phone:+34 93 581 35 23
- FAX: +34 93 581 26 00
(*) The acronym BITLLES (Bohmian Interacting Transport for non-equiLibrium eLEctronic Structures) is also the catalan name of the bowling pins, which are solid pieces of plastic or wood situated in a periodic structure (similar to a solid-state device) waiting for a ball (an electron) to impinge on them.